Thursday, June 27, 2013

Surviving a Thunderstorm, Then Arriving at the Beautiful "Stone City" of Sundsvall, Sweden

We started our morning ride today (Thursday) in overcast but dry weather. Five miles into our ride, a huge downpour suddenly, and unexpectedly, began. There was no place to find cover, so we had the unpleasant task of getting our weather gear out of our packs and putting it on, a several minute task, during which we were pelted with heavy rain. This left us wearing rain gear over wet clothes. We began riding again in this state, but a couple of minutes later lightning and thunder were all around us, forcing us to pull off the road (this time under an overhang of a building, protecting us from the rain). After 20 more miles of riding, cold and damp, we decided to end our ride and boarded a bus for the last 25 miles of our route.

Our destination town of Sundsvall was a truly pleasant surprise. Sundsvall is a large city for northern Sweden, with a population of 55,000 and about double that including the surrounding area. The city is a major industrial center and also houses one of the major campuses of the Mittuniversitetet (Mid Sweden University).

What makes Sundsvall special is its famous "Stenstaden" ("Stone City"), the aftermath of a great fire that destroyed the city in 1888. [Note: major city fires destroying large areas (termed "great fires") were extremely common prior about 100 years ago, when building were constructed of wood and fire protection techniques were limited. Rome had a great fire in 64 AD, London had several great fires, and there have been several in the United States including in Chicago and San Francisco]. Sundsvall rebuilt after its great fire, with numerous beautiful stone buildings dating back to around 1890.

The Stone City area is also full of excellent restaurants and cafes. Our dinner spot was a welcome change from the pizza/kebab joints that have too often been our only choice.

Under an overhang, waiting for the lightning and thunder to end

Cold and wet, boarding a bus halfway through our day's route

Rain gear hanging out to dry in our hotel room

Gloves and other small wet items drying out on a heated towel rack

Magnificent buildings in Sundsvall's "Stenstaden" ("Stone City")

Our dinner location

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